
blog du jour...

Friday, March 12, 2004

On the menu tonight 

Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

Life truly does dish up it's shit in portions - chunks, cupfuls, shitloads and slices. This blog is, after all called "A Slice of Life".

My analogy in the header above likens Life to having a recipe, ingredients, a method and a measurable, tangible outcome which we can all have a piece of, if we choose. Sometimes we don't choose, we are just carried along with it, reeling in it's backwash and being dragged onwards in its wake. That's not a particularly productive way to view it, though.

People come and go, Life swirls and eddies around us - sometimes we paddle furiously to stay out of the white water, at others we are carried serenely, gracefully and naturally through our days until the next set of rapids becomes visible ahead.

Is that enough analogous verbiage (shit, that was a biggie) for ya? Want more? Nah, make up your own - there are as many ways to see Life as there are people to view it.

Life goes up and down; Goddess knows mine sure does. Lately it's been stormy and hurling mountainous seas upon me, but the storm is clearing, the sun is coming out and once more I am under sail and all is well. I know, there's another fucking analogy for ya, but it's a very valid one. Life should rise and fall like the tide, not tower and crash like a raging sea. Raging and crashing leaves no pieces undamaged, it smashes hearts and souls beyond recognition, destroys all in it's path and leaves wreckage in it's wake.

Damn, the train left the station without me again. While I remember what the rest of this was that I wanted to say, have a look at something a bit different on the menu... if you liked the Bonsai Kittens, you're gonna LOVE this :-)

I got a poem to write about some of the men in my life, too... that's waiting for my attention as well.


Bon appetit :-)

~~ Chocolate: the OTHER major food group. ~~


Some text included in this site has been liberated at and from great peril from the internet. Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi. I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel. Thank you very much :-)

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