
blog du jour...

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Don't I know you from somewhere? 

Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

Have you ever noticed, that the more something hurts or the bigger the disaster that occurs, the greater the Lesson is to be learnt therein?

Funny, that.

And isn't it funny how the pain gets bigger, the disasters get more, well, disastrous and the Lessons get bigger and bigger? It's almost like a kid, always pushing the boundaries to see just where the dromedary's spine snaps.

I'm reading (actually, I'm reading it for the second time in 3 days) a book by a Kiwi named Richard Webster, a prolific author of 79 odd books. Anyway, the book is entitled Soul Mates (probably cos that's what the book is about, hmmm?) and is really good. Lightweight enough not to have to plough through it, deep enough to make me stop and think... "..so that's why I feel that" and it has exercises to do, all sorts of stuff.

It also demands a belief in reincarnation.

Reincarnation is the belief that the Soul is eternal and is reborn over and over again into a physical existence. Therefore, Soul Mates are people that you encounter over and over again, through many incarnations, always helping each other with their Lessons.

"Reincarnation" by Vladimir Ryklin

Almost four years ago, I did a small web-based assessment at school on the concept of Reincarnation and I have put it up to read HERE. That was when I first saw the picture above - "Reincarnation" an oil on canvas by Vladimir Ryklin. I really dig that picture. So, anyway, I've been interested in all this stuff for so long that I can't remember when it started. I think Mum just always assumed that the possibility existed, so there was never any big deal made about it.

So, anyway, this guy Webster has written all these books about all sort of New-Age type stuff, way heaps of them and his Soul Mates book really sort of consolidated and focused all the random thoughts I had collected but not got around to cataloguing yet. In other words, it all makes fucking sense. And it validated what I already knew. I had always thought that we have more than one soul mate in our lives - that groups of people were together through a succession of lifetimes, dancing in and out of mortality whilst playing a wide variety of roles - sometimes a villain, sometimes a hero, sometimes a woman, sometimes a man. Sometimes together for a lifetime, sometimes only a short while but ultimately to meet and share some form of relationship in an incarnation when there is a Lesson to be addressed at that time, an outcome to be achieved. I've been bumping into my soul buddies my whole life, a couple have been lurking for the past 30 years.

I know someone who really needs to read this book.

I hold that when a person dies
His soul returns again to earth;
Arrayed in some new flesh disguise
Another mother gives him birth
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain
The old soul takes the road again...

("A Creed". John Masefield - 1878 - 1967)

~~ "Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation.
The other eight are unimportant."- George Burns ~~

Thursday, March 18, 2004

The bright side of the road 

Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

Amanda asked me to find her an song today, a Joe Cocker one, nice wee number too. So while hunting through the files today, I pulled out a whole lot more Joe Cocker and some Van Morrison, too (shhhh, and a wee bit of Elvis). Never accuse me of bad taste in music; I only have bad taste in men.


Anyway, I was saying... listening to all these songs, I realised you could damn near construct your whole life, from the cradle to the grave, out of the lyrics and sentiments of these artists' songs. And I wasn't even stoned when I thought of it.

Bugger me, I am now. Wish I had some chocolate. You got any chocolate?

Think I used this before, long time back. Just sort of seems relevant today.

"Its late", she cried, as the clock ticked away
the dawning of another dark day
where her sunshine was something she'd hidden away
until somebody came to claim it.

Meanwhile, here is a recipe for chocolate slice:

Uncooked chocolate slice

4oz melted butter, 1 egg, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, 1pkt crushed biscuits, 4 oz sugar, 1 dessertspoon cocoa, (optional few chopped walnuts) mix it all together, press into tin, ice with choc icing, set in fridge.

CHOCOLATE SLICE, 3 pkts vanilla wine biscuits, 3 tbsp cocoa, 1 cup sugar, 350g butter, 3 eggs....
break biscuts into tiny pieces ~ melt butter & add into butter only, eggs, cocoa & sugar then beat till sugar is dissolved ~ pour into biscuits & mix well ~ press into 2 sponge roll tins ~ when hard ice with chocolate icing.

Damn, but I hope it tastes as good coming back up as it does going down. I do like that uncooked bit, though - theoreticallllly even I can't fuck it up, can I? :-)

~~ You. Me. Whipped cream. Handcuffs. Any questions? - Austin Powers ~~

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

In the long, dark nights... 

Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

No on wants you when your fat
Unless you're a big, soft tabby cat
They only want you when you're lean
Even if you're cold and hard and mean
They want your ears when they're in trouble
Even though your own are more than double
But their ears are always some other place
When the tears are rolling down your face
They'll pick your brains for what they seek
Then ignore you for another week
They'll be unfaithful, cheat and lie
Never caring that you want to die
There's no one to fill my coffee cup
None to love me when I'm throwing up
To carry things when I am tired
And talk to me when I am wired
To hug me when I ache and burn
Though I gave to them all and it's my turn
I'm not mean or lean, I'm soft and fat
And I wish I was a tabby cat.

~~ Instead of moaning about all the things you want and don't have, be glad for all the things you don't have and don't want. ~~


Some text included in this site has been liberated at and from great peril from the internet. Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi. I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel. Thank you very much :-)

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