
blog du jour...

Saturday, March 27, 2004

I love this shit 

Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

The Word of the Day for Mar 27 is:
torrid \TOR-id\ adjective

1: parched with heat especially of the sun : hot
*2 : ardent, passionate

Example sentence:
As she cleaned out the attic, Monica was shocked to find a box filled with torrid love letters that her grandfather had written to her grandmother.

Did you know?
"Torrid" derives from the Latin verb "torrere," which means "to burn" or "to parch" and is an ancestor of our word "toast." Despite the dry implications of this root, it is also an ancestor of "torrent," which can refer to a violent stream of liquid (as in "a torrent of rain"). "Torrid" first appeared in English in the 16th century, and was originally used to describe something burned or scorched by exposure to the sun. The term "torrid zone" later came about to refer to tropical regions of the Earth. By the end of that century the word had taken on the extended meaning that we know today - suggesting fiery passion.

~~ Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. ~~

Friday, March 26, 2004


Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

I've gone right off kids. I bloody have. Nasty wee critters, fighting over who woke the puppy up, who the puppy likes best, who the puppy should sleep with. Suffice to say, yes we have a puppy in the house (actually, it's an older and significantly larger and heavier version of the puppy last seen here).

Anyway, she has come to stay for a week or two and so far has been very well behaved with only 5 transgressions in 7 hours. Not bad really. Mind you, if she stops chasing the cats, yapping at the cats and peeing on the carpet she will be fine. Poor wee thing, she is 3 months old and hasn't got a name yet. Heather used to call her Vanilla when she was tiny, but she isn't vanilla coloured any more, now she has butterscotch stripes. Deb said to give her a name cos she needs one so I decided to call her "Maddy", cos she is mad like her mother. Mind you, her mother is worse, wayyyyy worse. Anyway, this darling wee puppy is FOR SALE for a little under $1000. If you are interested, email Debbie for more info.

So, anyway, I went up to the farm and picked her up today and when I came home Deb gave me a couple of packets of homegrown bacon, so now its late evening and I had the munchies so I cooked some bacon, tomatoes and eggs to eat. And that is where the eggs in tonight's title come in.

Rivetting, huh.


~~ "Cook me some fucking eggs, bitch" - Jake Heke; Once Were Warriors~~

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

It's chemo day (also known around here as rat poison day). Yup, folks, today's the day I get to take my medicine like a man, swallow the bait, name my poison.

Methotrexate, that's it's name. Look it up, here. Nasty shit.

I hate the little yellow fuckers. It's almost a shame they are doing their job or I could dispense with them, but the little yellow fuckers are working really well at the moment. Since Mr Sez wandered off the stage 5 weeks ago, I have reverted to my pre-Sez days and routines. In other words, I'm no longer pretending I can live my life like normal people, not without a decent night's sleep for months on end. Between hard beds and snoring bods, burning legs and overwhelming pain and stress and misery, over-stimulation and frequently feeling I HAD to be doing things whether I was able to or not, I forgot to do the one thing I NEEDED to do - shut the world out, get some sleep, stay away from major activity and take care of Numero Uno before worrying about other people who were quite able to take care of themselves. The regaining of my own space, the reclamation of my bits and pieces, a new bed and no driving all over the countryside to be overwhelmed by loud television and whining, bickering kids and not a seat in the house to sit on where I could hear myself think (unless I sat outside on the nice concrete step) has allowed me to regain my equilibrium, lose a major load of stress and get finally some real sleep. And now the axe has so permanently fallen, I don't have to worry about living without Mr Sez around - that has already become my reality and I no longer have to hide what I really think. Every nasty, black cloud has a silver lining when you turn it inside out. Add the benefits of a return to taking my weekly dose of poison after a two month break and life has indeed improved in many respects. I even have my legs back. What a bugger I still miss him. And have to feel sick all the time.

Shit happens. Everyone finds that out at some point; sometimes the hurt gets a lot worse before the light dawns. Some people need a good kick in the arse to make them see the Light.

And now, I have the space, time and a bit of energy I needed to do some long overdue major spiritual growing. It's a shame not everyone heard the Lesson this time, but some have better ears than others and are more ready to listen.


The rat's are leaving the sinking ship, so I'm off to listen to my American Indian Meditation, then I might do a little Past Life Regression work. It's fun and a girl really needs a hobby, ya know?

~~ Keep your night light burning, I'll be with you once again - Magnum ~~


Some text included in this site has been liberated at and from great peril from the internet. Where possible, credit has been given or is marked as "Unknown", except for jokes - I don't make up jokes. I never was any good at that shit. All other content comes straight from the Brain of Moi. I reserve the right to retain ownership of my own drivel. Thank you very much :-)

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